First Times To Remember Forever...

You may feel jaded over the years and may have forgotten the defining moments in your life that has brought you this is a jog down memory lane......

Wednesday, February 04, 2009



This week startler episod keje macam biase....errr..tired ler gak,banyak nak di follow-up..
maklum ler cuti CNY yang panjang....
And my internal audit department pun request macam2..urrrggg..lotih eden nak melayan...
hehehhhee....And the result is ~ a lots of changes berlaku..
Ye lar..sejak2 economy down ni..'Bos besar' i pun nak cut cost tk segala cost yang ader :)
Me in the Admin Department,banyak ler kuarkan memo on Behalf of management untuk semua staff...

The latest agenda for my company is 'Company Annual Dinner'..huhhh..walaupun nak cut cost,tapi my bos besar still jg kebajikan staff kat ctu...Ok ler jugak walaupun agenda tu hanya lah kat tpt biase jer....

Awal2 pagi dah dapat email drp diaorg...

Interesting jugak konsep yang diworang wat ni....
Mula2 macam tak suke tapi bile pikir2
macam ok gak....layan jer....hohohoho...
NAk pakai ape????Ntahh..i pun tak sure ler...Pakai macam kat atas tu ker...huhuhuhu..tak mo
ler...Emmm,nanti lah i pikir,tak sure lagi...
Ader jugak i check website about 1960~1970 fashion....menarik banyak info i dpt...but,tak sure ler leh dapat ker collection2 bju macam meeeee......

Pakai baju kurung jer kang.....hehhehehhe...

Stail mase tu macam kat atas ni...colourful n ceria....bunga2 matahari cmtu...

Below info i dapat kat web....let's share,knowledge untuk kiter ni....

The 1960's Mini
Costume History of 1960s. 50's fashion lives on until mid decade and 1965.
Mary Quant and the history of the 60's mini skirt. The death of stockings and introduction of pantyhose. Pinafore dresses and knit fabrics.
Acceptance of trousers for 1960's women. New man made yarns and innovative materials help contour new styles.

The 1970s and Disco
Costume History of 1970s. 1970's fashion history of all sorts of skirt lengths from micro, mini to maxi. Lighter weight clothes. Ethnic fashion and style trends as a result of broader travel experiences.
Seventies Kaftans, flared trousers, platform shoes and fabrics.
70's disco, tank tops and mix and match coordinated knitwear.

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